Oblivion Roleplay
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Oblivion Roleplay

Once, I dug a pit and filled it with clouds. Or was it clowns? Doesn't matter. It didn't slow him down. To be honest, it wasn't the best idea. And it really began to smell. Must have been clowns. Clouds don't smell bad. They taste of butter! And tears.
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» Borris Garom
Xarhtna Black I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 23, 2010 11:21 pm by Borris Garom

» Important!!
Xarhtna Black I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 10, 2010 10:54 pm by Xarhtna

» I need ideas for a stroy line
Xarhtna Black I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 27, 2010 8:25 am by Flecth

» Affiliates- Chech this out...
Xarhtna Black I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 29, 2009 5:41 am by Xarhtna

» Places..................
Xarhtna Black I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 10, 2009 12:06 pm by Flecth

» You SHOULD know who I am!!!!
Xarhtna Black I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 09, 2009 12:23 pm by Flecth

» Fletch-Rope-Slower
Xarhtna Black I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 07, 2009 11:24 am by Flecth

» 50 Battle Crys I am not allowed to use before going into the Great Gate of Bruma
Xarhtna Black I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 30, 2009 9:21 am by Flecth

» Xarhtna Black
Xarhtna Black I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 18, 2009 5:40 pm by Xarhtna

Borris Garom
Xarhtna Black I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 23, 2010 11:21 pm by Borris Garom
Name: Borris Garom
Age: 34
Height: Don't know, don't care
Weight: Don't know, don't care
Gender: Male
Race: Dunmer
Birthsign: The Lord
Class: Executioner (Speechcraft, Security, Sneak, Marksman, Light Armor, Blade, Block)
Health: 118
Magika: 80
(These stats are based on a level 5 as a good comparative level for most players who don't get too far over level 10 before they start a new game or …

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You SHOULD know who I am!!!!
Xarhtna Black I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 07, 2009 3:17 pm by Sheogorath
Name: Lord Sheogorath, Prince of Madness... if you didn't know that we'll have a problem!!!

Age: I have no fucking idea...................... so don't ask.... EVER or even try to GUESS!!!

Height: [Should be within age to height ratio.]

Weight: [Should be within age to weight ratio.]

Gender: Male... obviously.... if you didn't know that I will push you into a pit of hungry cannibalistic clowns!!

Race: Deadric Prince...

Birthsign: Whats a birthsign... and …

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Comments: 2
Xarhtna Black I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2009 12:38 pm by Flecth
Height:1,80 (in meters Smile)
Weight:74 (in Kilogrammes)
Class:Retired Shadowscale
Light Armor

Eye colour:Red
Hair:None since he´s Argonian
Figure:Normal Seized
Clothes:Shrouded Set

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Comments: 6
Xarhtna Black
Xarhtna Black I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 20, 2009 10:28 am by Xarhtna
Name: Xarhtna Black

Age: Uknown

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 115

Gender: Female.

Race: Dhampir (offsping of a human mother and vampire father).

Birthsign: The Shadow

Class: Assassin- Specialization: Stealth

Attributes: Intelligence, Speed

Skills: Acrobatics
Light Armor
She also masters in destruction magic.

Physical …

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Comments: 2
Character Template
Xarhtna Black I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 20, 2009 8:07 am by Sheogorath
Age: [Reasonable, between 16-35. But don't need to say if you a Daedric Prince.]
Height: [Should be within age to height ratio.]
Weight: [Should be within age to weight ratio.]
Gender: [Male or female.]
Race: [What your characer was borne as; half breeds are acceptable.]
Class: [Pick a custom class with 7 abilities from OB.]
Health: (please be realistic with these two)
Physical Description:
Personality: [Your personality should be suggested 3 sentences long, telling about how your character will act in different situations and how he acts normally.]
Equipment: [Reasonable game weapons that fit your character and his skills. If adding custom weapons, please give your weapon a history.]
Magic/Abilities: [You may have 5 starting spells/abilities. I may accept more though.]

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 Xarhtna Black

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Posts : 17
Join date : 2009-09-19
Location : Wouldn't you like to know.....

Character Information
Xarhtna Black Left_bar_bleue200/200Xarhtna Black Empty_bar_bleue  (200/200)
Xarhtna Black Left_bar_bleue550/550Xarhtna Black Empty_bar_bleue  (550/550)

Xarhtna Black Empty
PostSubject: Xarhtna Black   Xarhtna Black I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 20, 2009 10:28 am

Name: Xarhtna Black

Age: Uknown

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 115

Gender: Female.

Race: Dhampir (offsping of a human mother and vampire father).

Birthsign: The Shadow

Class: Assassin- Specialization: Stealth

Attributes: Intelligence, Speed

Skills: Acrobatics
Light Armor
She also masters in destruction magic.

Physical Description: Eye Colour- Green.
Hair- Blue-Black, long (hip length) and wavy.
Figure- Thin and muscular.
Make up- Black eyelashes, black eye-liner at top and bottom, clear glossy lip gloss, blusher.
Clothes- Black Hand Robes, Black Band

Personality: To those she likes, she will show her softer side. But as soon as you get on her bad side she will act extreamly agressive to whoever annoed her.

Equipment: Daedric Dagger
Daedric Arm Swords (she got them when she became listener of the dark brotherhood)

Magic/Abilities: Open Hard Lock
Disintegrate Weapon- Disintegrate Weapon 150pts on Target
Electrocution- Shock Damage 110pts on Target
Enemies Explode- Fire Damage 5pts in 10ft for 5sec on Target
Flame Tempest- Fire Damage 75pts in 15ft on Target
Ice Blast- Frost Damage 110pts on Target
Immolating Blast- Fire Damage 110pts on Target
Legendary Magicka Drain- Drain Magicka 120pts for 60sec on Touch
Immobilize- Paralyze for 7sec on Touch
Mute- Silence in 15ft for 15sec on Target
Shadow- Chameleon 50% for 30sec on Self
Will of Sithis- Command Humanoid up to level 6 for 25sec on Target

History: Xarhtna is a dhampir, the offspring of a human mother and a vampire father. Her father is Angeles, and Xarhtna watched him slay her mother when she was about seven years old. Ever since, Xarhtna has vowed to avenge her mother's death by killing her father. After the death of her mother she was made homeless, which leads her to commit her first murder. Xarhtna found she felt no remorse for what she had done and shortly after she meets the night mother. Who raises and trains her as an assassin. (you will learn the rest through rp)
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Posts : 26
Join date : 2009-09-19
Location : Shivering Isles

Xarhtna Black Empty
PostSubject: Re: Xarhtna Black   Xarhtna Black I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 03, 2009 10:11 am

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Posts : 17
Join date : 2009-09-19
Location : Wouldn't you like to know.....

Character Information
Xarhtna Black Left_bar_bleue200/200Xarhtna Black Empty_bar_bleue  (200/200)
Xarhtna Black Left_bar_bleue550/550Xarhtna Black Empty_bar_bleue  (550/550)

Xarhtna Black Empty
PostSubject: Re: Xarhtna Black   Xarhtna Black I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 18, 2009 5:40 pm

Why.... Thank You kind... Lady Razz
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Xarhtna Black Empty
PostSubject: Re: Xarhtna Black   Xarhtna Black I_icon_minitime

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Xarhtna Black
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